The Best Treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

A life-threatening condition prevalent among the population is obstructive sleep apnea Vero Beach. This issue causes repeated breathing lapses during nighttime rests. As a consequence, people will suffer from daytime fatigue, insomnia, depression, mood swings, and other complications. It is essential to consult with qualified dentists in such situations to get a sleep apnea diagnosis. Practitioners use several techniques to identify OSA symptoms and develop an ideal treatment plan. 

Some common evaluation techniques include: 

1.      Nocturnal polysomnography 

This test monitors heart rate, lung activity, and breathing patterns while patients are at rest. One needs to visits a dedicated sleep facility for this test and wait for further evaluations on the same day.

Sleep Apnea

2.      Home tests 

Patients who seek a comfortable process can opt for home sleep apnea tests. Dentists provide a small machine that measures blood oxygen levels, breathing patterns, and heart rates. These portable machines can detect abnormal symptoms. 

Treatment recommendations 

Lifestyle changes 

The most basic treatment for OSA is losing weight. Obesity causes unwanted fat deposits in areas around the neck. This extra tissue growth makes it harder for patients to breathe. Hence, losing weight is a viable solution. 

Another way of addressing symptoms is reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption. These materials relax throat muscles, causing breath lapses. If necessary, patients can also change their sleeping position. 

Oral appliances 

A variety of devices specifically designed to keep the airway open are available. Experienced dentists can fabricate these appliances and provide them for patients. 

Any moderate symptoms require a bilevel positive airway pressure device. This machine consists of a mask essential for delivering a consistent flow of air. It also puts pressure on the lungs and helps patients to breathe normally. These devices are safe, and there are no risks of swallowing or staying conscious. 


Lastly, severe forms of sleep apnea require surgical intervention. Dentists perform surgeries to enlarge tonsils or remove unwanted throat muscles. It includes nasal surgery where they fix a deviated septum. Another effective technique is mandibular maxillomandibular advancement surgery that treats several facial imperfections to improve breathing. 


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